More 6-figure employment opportunities will be generated by AI

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AI technology is getting better and better all the time, and now experts are talking about the jobs that this technology might create. 

Job possibilities are plentiful in the field of AI, and one freelance AI worker has shared his thoughts on the matter. When ChatGPT was first being made, Mark Kashef was working in banking. He said that this changed the game for him. 

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As an AI expert, he made a Fiverr account, and that’s “when the floodgates opened,” he said.  “I started getting dozens of requests every day and worked on my new job as an AI consultant from 7 p.m. to 1 a.m. almost every night after work,” he said. 

Many experts have said that they are not surprised by how good the job market is right now, but they have also said that things aren’t all good and that they are worried. 

Think about the fact that AI is still pretty new and that businesses are learning along with everyone else. While there are a lot of job openings, there is a big experience gap in this market, and many AI-related jobs are still in the testing phase. So, some people are worried about how long AI will be available and how long the market will last, especially when it comes to jobs. 

Also, experts say that when it comes to AI, you shouldn’t put all your eggs in one box and should work on more than one project at the same time. As of right now, AI isn’t stable, and there’s a big testing phase going on. This means that some projects might not work out, so working with more than one company on projects might be the best way to make a steady enough income in this market. 

No matter what, experts say it can be very profitable because there are so many possibilities, even more so than working in finance. 

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